My most disappointing purchase was a Threshold S-200 way back when I first discovered this whole high end biz. I purchased it based on the performance of the SA-1's which were quite a different beast. It wasn't a bad sounding amp it just looked better than the NAD I liked as much during the audition period but was assured by the salesman that the Threshold was definitely better and twice the price. In any case I kept it for a few years before realizing that I just wasn't involved with the music. Sold it overseas to some guy in Norway for what I paid, he loved it.
I hear you Marty on the early ML Sequels, horrible integration of the drivers. I couldn't imagine who would purchase those speakers until I saw a guy lay down the green at my local dealer. I wasn't too fond of the CLS either for that matter but at least no integration issues. ML has come a long way since those early days.
I hear you Marty on the early ML Sequels, horrible integration of the drivers. I couldn't imagine who would purchase those speakers until I saw a guy lay down the green at my local dealer. I wasn't too fond of the CLS either for that matter but at least no integration issues. ML has come a long way since those early days.