Your most disappointing purchase or audition?

I've had a few.

bought a Naim Nait 3. Loved it in the store. Returned it within a week- way forward at home

Brought home some CJ preamp to audition perhaps 22 years ago. Noisy as anything and a turn off transient destroyed a tweeter (though years later i bought a CJ 17LS2 which I thought was the finest preamp I ever heard in my home)

Auditioned a VPI table (HW19) in a store- the store just could not get the belt to stay on. Bought a Rega instead. This was in perhaps 1990.

Fortunately, I never really experienced buyers remorse say 6 months or more after settling on a piece of gear.

Finally, there have been too many speakers that got stellar write ups which I just didn't care for.
Ralph, I believe you, you exsposed the circumstances, this is good you looked into this, I have had similiar problems as Tubes108, However, Mine was very real, and I had to force a complete refund for the componet, very nasty deal,took 3 to 4 months of arguing and a lawyer! hope I never go through that again in my life!
I've never bought anything that really sucked sonically.. I've had a Creek Destiny that just blew out a channel and getting it repaired was a 4 month nightmare. I also have a W4S Dac 1 that recently had a channel just crap out.. That sort of pissed me off since I missed the warranty by a few months and in the interim W4S increase their warranty from 3 to 5 years but wouldn't cover my very rare failure under the new warranty terms since when I bought mine it was three years.. I think they should have done it as good will, but oh well..
I agree, only because they extended the warranty anyway, you would think at these prices, High- end Audio would be more reliable!, In the 90s, this was alot less of an issue!
"you would think at these prices, High- end Audio would be more reliable"

I would expect that, not just think it.
I have had junk audio in my life time that is more reliable than alot of today's High- End audio.