end of an era ......

first howland and now joule has stopped production....
@Macrojack ... you'll have to communicate with Al(Almarg) to learn how one can become an ordained Audio Haruspex. Also studying to become a licensed Audio Phrenologist. That way, there will be no need to lose your head. Just make it available for phrenological inspection.

Lastly, I am taking advanced professional training to perform audiophile tetraphylectomies.


Atmasphere....good to know...thanks!
Jud has been winding down for years although at one point it seemed he might be training someone at least for repairs.
Well, at least I learned some useful new words from Bifwynne as a result.
"Middle Ages is optomistic.
Try Caveman ."

Cool. Even I can make music beating on things with sticks and bones.
Bruce (Bifwynne), all I can say is that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, and that periphrastic obfuscation should be eschewed.

-- Al :-)