"I really would like to try tubes. I seem to be getting general feedback here that I'm interpreting as "No. Don't". I'm not sure why, but maybe it's just because I'm at the low end of the price range and I need to be somewhere around $1500 before I can actually get something worth owning."
Tubes don't guarantee good sound. Its no different than anything else, you still have to pick something that sounds good to you and works well with the rest of your system. Maybe its best that you just hold off for a while and try to listen to some different gear. Reviews and comments are no substitute to having the experience for yourself.
Tubes don't guarantee good sound. Its no different than anything else, you still have to pick something that sounds good to you and works well with the rest of your system. Maybe its best that you just hold off for a while and try to listen to some different gear. Reviews and comments are no substitute to having the experience for yourself.