Lowrider...While at the Emotiva show
discussion/presentation, the owner said that he and Bob
Carver have been personal friends for decades. He said that
they are still good friends. He spoke of Bob good naturedly
and poked fun at Bob's 'mad scientist' persona, bud gave
glowing kudos to Bob as an amp designer. I believe that
they probably came to some agreement that would allow Bob to
continue making amps. Emotiva probably licensed Bob to
continue making amps. When Bob terminated his agreement
with Emotiva, he started up again and just changed the names
of the amps...they still look the same as before.
Lowrider...While at the Emotiva show
discussion/presentation, the owner said that he and Bob
Carver have been personal friends for decades. He said that
they are still good friends. He spoke of Bob good naturedly
and poked fun at Bob's 'mad scientist' persona, bud gave
glowing kudos to Bob as an amp designer. I believe that
they probably came to some agreement that would allow Bob to
continue making amps. Emotiva probably licensed Bob to
continue making amps. When Bob terminated his agreement
with Emotiva, he started up again and just changed the names
of the amps...they still look the same as before.