Krell New Pre-amps?

Hi, has any one auditioned or own any of the new Krell pre-amps?, if so, How does the best from krell stack up against The krell KRC-HR and KCT, and anything else Krell has ever made for pre-amps?, also, what is the favorite Krell pre-amp of all time?, Thankyou to all, I thought this may be an interesting subject for everyone to chime in on, cheers.
Guys, with all due respect, don't you think you went too far offtopic? I follow a Krell topic, now visibly contaminated, while keep (any) cable topics fully out of my radar...

You might consider continue discuss Tara Labs and alike wires via PM or open another topic.

Thank you.
Post removed 
Zormi, can you add something here to the topic of the thread?, sorry I got off topic here, thankyou.
I have owned in my system..Krell
KSA 250
KSA 300S
FPB 600
FPB 600C
HTS 7.1

And love Kimber Kable KS series of cables with my krell.
But have tried cardas..nordost..and a few others and absolutely agree that
Upgrading the electronics is the wisest choice.