Krell New Pre-amps?

Hi, has any one auditioned or own any of the new Krell pre-amps?, if so, How does the best from krell stack up against The krell KRC-HR and KCT, and anything else Krell has ever made for pre-amps?, also, what is the favorite Krell pre-amp of all time?, Thankyou to all, I thought this may be an interesting subject for everyone to chime in on, cheers.
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Zormi, can you add something here to the topic of the thread?, sorry I got off topic here, thankyou.
I have owned in my system..Krell
KSA 250
KSA 300S
FPB 600
FPB 600C
HTS 7.1

And love Kimber Kable KS series of cables with my krell.
But have tried cardas..nordost..and a few others and absolutely agree that
Upgrading the electronics is the wisest choice.
Hi mclsound, welcome to the thread, I will start by saying that no cables sound the same, and system dependacy is the key, however, when you get to exspereince world class cables, they have a more profound effect than a componet!, kimber is a great product sure enough, but, there is better out there, the merry go around can be endless, I have reached a point, to where my trust has never faulted in a cable company of my choice, which happens to be Tara labs, As i climb the cable food chain, I am in awe all over again, re-discovering my recordings, preference is the key here, you may like one automobile, and I the other, it's all good, keep the faith of high-end audio, everyone has a different method to get where they are going, I sure do!, cheers.