Dan D 'Agostino, Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel,

What happens to the sound, quality and everything else to the products of a company when the founder leaves? Do the original companies sustain their lustre they had in their heyday under the founder?

Dan D 'Agostino (Krell), Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel, Arnie Nudell (Inffinity) and Bob Carver(Carver Corp & Sunfire) left companies they founded to be run by others. Can you name any others that left to start up elsewhere? How did their old companies fare after they left?
Infinity has gone to the dogs. Carver Corp and Sunfire did fine for a while after Bob Carver left, but both are now defunct.
Terrible! You couldn't pay me to buy a Krell or Mark Levinson. Thiels I don't know much about. Krell hasn't designed anything truly new since Dan left to start his own company which is producing the best stuff Dan has ever designed sonically and visually. Some of the best from Levinson started Viola and Viola designs are superb. So to me, the companies have languished after the chief designers left.
If only Dan would make some equipment affordable real world pricing, I believe Dan D Agostino is making some of the very best solid state out there, but $85,000.00 for a state of the art intergrated amp, Really?, That intergrated by all means should cost $15,000.00 at best!, and that says volumes at that price.