Dan D 'Agostino, Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel,

What happens to the sound, quality and everything else to the products of a company when the founder leaves? Do the original companies sustain their lustre they had in their heyday under the founder?

Dan D 'Agostino (Krell), Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel, Arnie Nudell (Inffinity) and Bob Carver(Carver Corp & Sunfire) left companies they founded to be run by others. Can you name any others that left to start up elsewhere? How did their old companies fare after they left?
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Levinson (the person) has designed some new-ish stuff from Daniel Hertz and lives in Venice (on a boat maybe?). He seems to come up with interesting things from time to time, as does his old company owned by Harmon (I think). Same with Krell in the sense that they keep at it with some well regarded integrateds and such...D'Agostino must have found some VERY deep pockets to finance his line of extreme toys, or he got rich from Krell, but the designs he's out there with are pretty cool and other's could take a que from this stuff as most audio gear looks stale or more Bauhaus than Art Deco.
One example where the founder's leaving (in this case, passing away) did not result in a company "going to the dogs" was Snell, where Kevin Voecks produced some excellent designs following the death of Peter Snell.