What makes Telefunken tubes sound better?

I've reached the point in sampling 12AU7 tubes below $100 per tube where I'm having to buy tube crates to keep the pairs I've sampled. I've tried NOS and new, but out of all I end up back with Telefunkens as having the least distortion and fastest transient response. Yet the Telefunken internals are not the best materials/quality; NOS Mullard CV4003 or the new Gold Lions have higher build quality for materials and precision.

Are there links somewhere that talk to what is different for the internal design/construction of a Telefunken tube? I'd like to support newer tube manufacturers based on educated consumerism, and hope that we can get someone to replace Telefunken at an affordable cost before NOS stock is no longer an option.
I am sure that Germany is a nice place to live, I would love to have the opportunity to live there myself, and there is no doubt the US is facing huge problems; and yet there are 618,227 people who were born in Germany living in the US according to the Pew Research Center and 192,676 people born in Germany have immigrated to the US since 1986 according to the US Department of Homeland Security.

Schubert, why do you live here instead of Germany since you dislike the US so much?
Let me just add that if the same percentage of Americans moved to Germany it would amount to 2.4 million Americans moving there.