has BAT priced itself out of the market?

I'm a big fan of BAT equipment and have used and loved their equipment over the years. My concern is that with the introduction of their REX series they may have lost their position in the "sweet spot" for most realistic and accessible products. I owned VK60 at $4500 which was reasonable for performance/ fit and finish. Now new REX amps goin for $40k and are basically same 60w-75w amps with enhanced driver tubes and upgraded capacitors. The appeal of BAT to me was always the look and sound of the product. It seems with the introduction of REX the looks have changed slightly, the sound has improved relatively but the price has increased ASTRONOMICALY!!!?? Also, not seeing their products showcased at as many high end shows anymore?? Does anyone else feel the same??

agreed. I would like to get into the REX pre-amp. Trying to justify its cost. We (common folk) live in a world of millionaires which drives up the cost of everything. It is unprecedented how many millionaires are in the global market.

Are these guys buying this gear? Probably not.
Are the audio companies subscribing to this client? Yes.

Any one here own the REX pre-amp? If so, post your thoughts/impressions.
Jafant, I own the BAT VK40 solid state pre but I've heard everything up the line including the REX II and I'll be quite honest, the air is so thin at that level that it's hard to really hear a discernable difference....I mean if you really listen carefully to the same song repeatedly for hours on end and then switch preamps you may notice the slightest bit of additional warmth or bloom coming from the REX but it's something that you'd have to condition yourself too over countless hours of listening. It's not something your wife or girlfriend will notice by walking into the room and. Saying "wow! That sounds so much better! What did you do!!?" If yourlooking for that type of response, take that $20k and buy her a nice diamond!! IMHO , the difference doesnt justify the cost and I happen to be a die hard BAT fan. As always listen for yourself but I dont feel the means justify the ends...
Good luck!
In the USA there is little supply and demand pricing in general, from real estate to food its a what the market will bear economy.
Jafant, I have had the REX 1 preamp for close to 7 years and love it. I am very glad I bought it when I did. Also, BAT's customer support is excellent.

Regarding BAT's prices, in comparison to similar products out there BAT products are fairly priced.

many thanks! for the honest reply. What other gear is in your system? Keep me posted and happy listening!