Need recommendations to replace ARC VT100 MkII

Looking to get an amp that is a bit easier to maintain. Also possibly looking to downsize/simplify:
I am considering two different approaches.
1: Sell both the VT100 MkII and my preamp (ARC SP3c) and replace with an integrated tube amp; choices would be
A. ARC VSi60. (Used), or
B. Primaluna dialog premium integrated
2: Keep the preamp and get a new power amp; choices would be
A. First Watt F6
B. Liberty Audio B2B-100
C. Primaluna dialog premium power amp

My speakers are Acoustic Zen Adagio.
Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks
"10-04-14: Mabonn
The DC balance adjustments are somewhat of a pain. I love the tube sound, but the VT100 MkII is not particularly user friendly.
ZD542, what would you recommend for a preamp?"

It all depends on what you like and how much you have to spend. The one thing I can tell you for sure is that picking the right preamp is extremely important. Its usually the one piece that makes or breaks the system. If you are not opposed to SS, an Ayre K-5 is a great choice. If you want to stay with tubes, maybe a better ARC or BAT. BAT works very well with ARC. Either way, make sure whatever you get is fully balanced. If you read through some of the threads, you'll find that quite a few people have issues mixing ARC products with single ended components. How does the VT-100 drive your speakers? The combo should sound pretty good.
Rogue can be a great choice for tubes as can the Quicksilver gear. I personally just switched after hearing the Ayre gear. It just gave me the best of all worlds as I don't want to roll tubes and I'm sick of taking care of them (that's just me). Personally, I felt the AX7e sounded better than most of the used Ayre stuff, plus it's smaller and needs one less cable. I too loved the sound of the AR integrated. The 100 I believe it was, but why get rid of your VT 100 just to go back to the same type of thing? Are you able to get to any stores to listen to see what they have to offer you? You may find a store that has great used gear too as most do and there you can figure out what sounds best with your gear. Just a thought.
Zd542; the VT100 accepts both single ended and balanced signals. The internal circuitry is different than the REF150 amp the other post was referring to. This amp works well with both single ended and balanced. The OP doesn't have to be concerned with only balanced pre-amp in this case. Quite honestly, I would keep the VT 100 if it sounds wonderful in your system. Checking bias may be a pain for this amp. Although I don't see it as that much of a problem for someone that is qualified to do so. But, if the resistors or bias check points are difficult to get to, either 1) let someone else check and adjust it, or 2) turn the unit off, let the caps drain, open it, attach the meter leads to the proper point, have long non conductive pot adjustment screw drivers handy (so it can't short against anything) and go for it yourself. this adjustment only is needed when you change tubes, or if the bias drifted (which should be rare). So, I would keep this excellent amp.

"10-08-14: Ctsooner
Rogue can be a great choice for tubes as can the Quicksilver gear."

If you want to stay with tubes, I don't think Rogue is as good as you VT-100. Quicksilver would be a great choice. I put my VT-100 next to a pair of V4 mono amps. I thought the Quicksilver was better.
Z, I was throwing out Rogue as some like their name/look. For the price they are nice. I agree that they aren't as neutral as the VT100's. Heck, I went with Quick gear (the Silver Mono's that I"m selling off now) over AR years ago. I was more musical than the amp that was closest to them in cost. I got accommodation price back then too so the cost differential wasn't huge. The dealer thought I was nuts until he came to my house and brought the AR amps and we A/B'd them both. Quick just sounded best with Proac Supertowers (selling these as I have new Vandy Treos). Most speakers have tipped up high ends in these price ranges and the Quicks are just musical and right. The AR gear can often be very very neutral and that's why folks love it, but they don't sound 'tube like' at all and most folks need that and don't realize it. Those V4's took things to a different level for Mike Saunders.