Zd542; the VT100 accepts both single ended and balanced signals. The internal circuitry is different than the REF150 amp the other post was referring to. This amp works well with both single ended and balanced. The OP doesn't have to be concerned with only balanced pre-amp in this case. Quite honestly, I would keep the VT 100 if it sounds wonderful in your system. Checking bias may be a pain for this amp. Although I don't see it as that much of a problem for someone that is qualified to do so. But, if the resistors or bias check points are difficult to get to, either 1) let someone else check and adjust it, or 2) turn the unit off, let the caps drain, open it, attach the meter leads to the proper point, have long non conductive pot adjustment screw drivers handy (so it can't short against anything) and go for it yourself. this adjustment only is needed when you change tubes, or if the bias drifted (which should be rare). So, I would keep this excellent amp.