Help me spend $3000 on a used amp

I am setting aside up to $3000 for a good used stereo or mono block amps.

I have efficient speakers so the power does not have to be abundant but enough to run. The room is not big nor small so at least 100 watts plus should be efficient.

To mono block or not??? I have been debating that question.

I would like to have XLR imputs.
McIntosh. But there are a few top brands to choose I would go with stereo over mono amps. Do you favor tube or SS? Most of all keep in mind the fun and joy of the hobby. Get something that brings a smile to your face even when off.
McIntosh is great, Glenhifi, but which model? 402,252, or the old 2500?

Bryston isn't bad either...4BSST2.
I'd vote for a 2nd hand Modwright KWA-150. That amp has great build quality, wonderfully warm, tube-like sound and amazing inner detail and resolution. It is a dual mono amp, so you really don't need mono blocks. However if you change to inefficient speakers later on & you find you need more power, the KWA-150 can be switched to Bridged mono mode via a toggle on the back & run as a mono block. It looks really good as well. Moreover, it should be a very reliable amp long-term. You should be able to pick up a 2nd hand example in excellent condition within your budget.