Looking to upgrade my old Conrad Johnson PV12

I'm in the process of downsizing speakers and replacing/upgrading my old cd player and pre-amp. I've just gotten the Avalon Ascendants and am using them with the Sonic Frontiers Power 3 monoblocks. I have an old Conrad Johnson PV12 and am looking to upgrade (as well as replace my old Meridian 508.24 but that's another thread). So, looking for a tube pre-amp replacement upgrade. Always liked the old Conrad Johnson sound but haven't heard their newer pieces. Looking for recommendations. Am fine with buying used and would like to keep it to $4,000 or under.

Thanks in advance for all recommendations.

big C-J fan here. There are many better pre-amps since your PV12. A few to mention;
Act 2
ET3 & ET3 SE.

Listen to these selections prior to any purchase. Keep me posted and happy listening!
I had the PV-12. It was an OK preamp, but a little on the dull side. CJ's preamps have improved greatly since the PV-12. It's not currently in use, but I have a CJ Premier 18 that I really like. It sounds better than the 12 in every way. The difference is kind of like the way I compared the Arcam and Meridian CD players in your other thread.

Since you already have SF amps, I would consider a SF preamp to match. They made great preamps. You know it will be a good match, and balanced, as well.
If a PV-12 is sounding dull there is something wrong in the selection of tubes.
As I recall, those pres only have a single cap in the signal path. Fun upgrades, but that can get pricey.