Nick Cave fans?

I've become a huge fan of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds during the past year or so. He is so eclectic, ranging from the punk-laden angst and rage of "Murder Ballads" to the darkly humorous (and sometimes tender) songs on "The Boatman's Call."

Any other aficionados out there? Favorites? Best shows?
I caught Nick in concert about 15 years ago. It was a good show, but he said that he was tired of the USA and wanted to get back home. Guess he's still singing that same song 15 years later : )

One of my buddies just saw him play here recently. He said it was a great show. I would have went too if i would have known that he was playing. Sean
I was a Birthday Party fan (his original band back in the 80's, for those of you who only know him from his solo career). His stuff since then has mostly not been to my tastes. I liked him better trying to be a post-punk Jim Morrison fronting a noisy rock band than trying to be a post-punk Johnny Cash or Tom Waits sitting at a piano. I prefer some distorted guitars and screaming with my pretentions of poetry, and they did it well. Still, you kinda gotta like the guy - he's just cool that way.

Should have guessed you'd show up here!! I'll look into Birthday Party...thanks for the rec.

Sean, yes I heard his recent shows have been great; power-packed, raw, and intelligent. He's a really smart, and angry, guy...good combination for interesting music!
I saw his "acoustic" No More Shall We Part tour. The band was Nick on grand piano, a bass player, a drummer (?? I think??), and whatshisface from The Dirty 3 on violin. I never saw a Bad Seeds show, but I was impressed by the dynamics and power of the band. There were quite a few amazing moments. Some of his songs (especially lyrics) can be a bit much at times, but I enjoyed them much more live than recorded. A lot of his newer stuff reminds me of a 2nd rate Richard Thompson...the way he repeats and builds...repeats and builds. It's quite effective on some songs and a little boring on others. That said, I was still very impressed by the live show and would gladly go see him again.

He has a new album coming out in February.
Interesting observations, Phild! But, "2nd rate Richard Thompson?!"

At first I was offended, but then I reconsidered. Richard Thompson (with and w/o Linda) is one of my all-time favorite musicians/singer/songwriters, so at some level, anyone else is indeed 2nd rate (except Dylan!).

I can't wait for the new album. Thanks for the heads-up!