Nick Cave fans?

I've become a huge fan of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds during the past year or so. He is so eclectic, ranging from the punk-laden angst and rage of "Murder Ballads" to the darkly humorous (and sometimes tender) songs on "The Boatman's Call."

Any other aficionados out there? Favorites? Best shows?
Interesting observations, Phild! But, "2nd rate Richard Thompson?!"

At first I was offended, but then I reconsidered. Richard Thompson (with and w/o Linda) is one of my all-time favorite musicians/singer/songwriters, so at some level, anyone else is indeed 2nd rate (except Dylan!).

I can't wait for the new album. Thanks for the heads-up!
Hi Cpdunn99...

Yep, I meant is as a backhanded compliment. I'd kill to be a 5th rate Richard Thompson! :-) I think Richard Thompson is one of the most amazing, dynamic live acts and his albums are usually pretty great too. I called Nick Cave second rate because I think he could take a few more tricks from Richard's bag and learn to edit himself a bit better at times. I think Nick's very good and he's an amazing performer, but not yet quite as good a songwriter as Richard Thompson is. Bob Mould had similar issues when he went into RT mode on his "Workbook" album (but I still loved it).
Me, too (i.e., being a 5th rate RT)! RT has even been throwing in a Britney Spears song (Oops, I did it again) into some of his shows! What it proves, is that he's a musical alchemist!! He can make anything into gold...he's simply fantastic. Maybe a RT thread next?!
I heard his version of "Oops..." on NPR's Fresh Air - pretty funny. I'll never be the world's biggest Thompson fan, but I do enjoy the very early (late 60's) Fairport Convention (his original band). (BTW, anyone into his brand of rock electric guitar work might also want to check out some Richard Lloyd [ex-Television] stuff). Likewise, I preferred Husker Du to anything Mould has done since, but in both cases I can't see too much of a Cave comparision.
Yes, Alex, I like Fairport, too, esp. Unhalfbricking, Full House, Liege and Lief. The post-RT and Sandy Denny Fairport didn't do much for me.