New or Used Amplifier

I put together my Krell 20i CD player, YBA 2 Pre & amp with Genesis V speakers in the mid 90s’ and am still very happy with it so I kept away from the equipment shops.

Now adding HT so I will need 2 more amp along with misc equipment. I know major advances have been made in amplifiers in the past 20 years, but if you had around $3,000 to invest in an amplifier would you buy new or used?
Thanks for the suggestion and will take a look. The speaker wire length for rears is about 55 ft, so I ran Mogami interconnects for rear channels in walls already. I was told a 55 ft run of speaker wire would cause problem for amp. I was thinking of separate amp for rears and center.
The speaker wires length is not going to hinder you
I ran about the same length (up the walls, the length of a long room in the ceiling , down the walls plus the hookup lengths) without any difficulty.
I use the 3 channel amp for the centre channel and the rears, the two channel for the side surrounds.

The separate preamp processor is the " disposable" part, to be upgraded in the future as the codecs change.

Recommended : NuForce AVP-18.... Fully digital with all HDMI (no legacy inputs ). Google the reviews - highly recommended .... Especially with the ARCAM Bluray player to round it out.
Canuckaudiomart has an Audio Refinement Multi 5 and a Multi 2 listed for sale
used all the way.....the depreciation of that amp when purchased new makes buying used a much better bet.
Thanks everyone for the comments. Can you recommend a speaker wire for this length.

I will look for a Multi 3 since I am going to 5.2 or could I get Multi 5 and only use 3 outputs.

I agree, used would save you a ton on money.