Most enduring audio purchase

What has stuck with you through thick and thin, through upgrades, and through downsizing?

For me it's easy- bought in 1985, used frequently, works perfectly- my Zerostat!

I'm on my 5th set of speakers since then, been through 4 amps and on my 2nd integrated, 6th CD player, 3 tuners, 3rd turntable, 6th cartridge, 5 preamps, 2 phono pres, 5 headphones ( and I adore my current headphones & headphone amp combo) but my Zerostat (red) rocks!
Meadowlark Audio Kestrels; one of my earliest purchases when this whole internet buying spree, merry-go-round began for me. They will be given away when my hearing goes.
Van Alstine Super PAS4i preamp about 20 years old with 2 Amperex 12AX7's in line stage and 2 RCA cleartops in phono stage.
About 20 years old, brought in into Frank about 2 years ago and said make it as good as you can, which he did.
MUCH better than my Bryston BP-6 and save a tad in bass the equal of my EE Avant.
Only 11 inches wide which I like.
VPI HW19 Mark II bought in 1988 with SME IV arm. Recently upgraded the bearing and platter with Mark V. Think it's competitive with many new tables.

Oh, and still have my Oracle carbon fiber record cleaning brush. Will it ever wear out?
The body of my Grace F9E phono cartridge, with various replacements and upgrades of the stylus assembly over the years, has been my primary cartridge ever since I purchased it in 1979.

-- Al
Tandberg TCD440A. Bought it new in 1981 and it still sounds as good now as it did then. Had to throw repairs at it a few times, but after 33 years, that's a great track record. Next up are my Rogers Studio 1s from 1983 and my Sota Sapphire in 1984. Still going strong. For accessories, I have 2 original D3 Discwasher brushes from before the Tandberg, and still use them, too.