Most enduring audio purchase

What has stuck with you through thick and thin, through upgrades, and through downsizing?

For me it's easy- bought in 1985, used frequently, works perfectly- my Zerostat!

I'm on my 5th set of speakers since then, been through 4 amps and on my 2nd integrated, 6th CD player, 3 tuners, 3rd turntable, 6th cartridge, 5 preamps, 2 phono pres, 5 headphones ( and I adore my current headphones & headphone amp combo) but my Zerostat (red) rocks!
Triplanar! Its so nice to know that no matter what I throw at the system, the tone arm will track it perfectly and reliably year in and year out.
I've had my Linn Axis table since 1986 and still going strong.

Next after that is Stax "ear speakers" since early 90's, and Triangle Titus XS monitors since soon after that.

I've owned OHM speakers in one form or another since 1978. I still have those (OHM Ls) but I refurbed them myself a few years back.
Also NAD 7020 receiver running currently as pre-amp only in my second system since about 1986. BOught it in a pawn shop for $20 back then. Still more than holds its own. The Dual 1264 in there does not get much use these days but still runs good. Got that in 1981.
My Yamaha NS 1000 Monitor speakers. Paid the amazing sum of $1,100.00 for them in 1978. I still have them and my 26 year old son listens to them every day.
Most enduring? I can still remember my roommate Doug relentlessly squeezing my Zerostat as if it was one of those hand grip strength exercise spring things. I kept yelling at him to knock it off that things expensive while at the same time wondering what there was to wear out. The year was 1976. The Zerostat is still holding up just fine.