What's Up with ATI?

I've been looking into 7 channel Home Theater Amps and ATI seems to have gone missing after 2008. ATI seems to have stopped development of Home Theater Processors before HDMI was forced upon us. ATI bought B&K. Any ideas as to what happened to ATI?

That leaves Emotiva renaming the Sherbourn PA7-350 as the "New" XPR-7. The Sherbourn name has been dropped.

ATI made the AT2007 a fully balanced-differential topology.
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If I had to guess, ATI's main focus is to keep producing rock solid amplifiers under their name and for others an OE mfr. How many HDMI preamp/processors have hit the market in the last few years with glitches out the ying/yang? Too many to count.

The website is now working properly this morning.

Others outsource the production of their amps to ATI. ATI as said above owns Theta Digital. The Casablanca is Theta's preamp/processor and their universal CD/DVD is the Compli Blu.
I'm not sure what your intent was in referencing Emotiva, who for all intents and purposes haven't done any better with processors having released 2 UMC's. They've failed with Sherbourn, TacT and thus far the XMC-1, now over 2 years late with no release date in sight.

I've been wondering about ATI's takewover of B&K. It looks like classicaudioparts.com is still selling ATI B stock.