RIP Panny Plasmas

Just saw a report on CNBC that Panasonic is planning on exiting the plasma business by March 2014. Can't say I'm overly surprised but still a bummer. Hope the others aren't following suit soon.
I think this is the second time in as many years that they've announced they're getting out of plasma. LCDs are getting much better and OLED manufacturing has too low a yield right now to justify lowering costs so Plasma should still be considered as a viable alternative.

Here's to hoping they'll still be around.

All the best,
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Do you think Panasonic would have come out better if they shipped their plasmas with Pangea PCs? :) Sorry, couldn't help myself. Your analysis of market forces on high volume consumer goods is pretty hard to argue. Good post.
As much as I like my Kuro,if the demise of plasma tech,in general, means a push for OLED,then I say...lets get the show on the road.
I was holding out hope lower production costs and better product management in Korea would allow companies like Samsung to continue producing good plasmas, but apparently Elizabeth is correct as it stands...

I'm with Aolmrd in hoping the newer and hopefully superior technologies come online a little sooner as a result of this. I'm also with Rockdanny -- LCD/LEDs (even the new ones) give me an eye-ache.