Buy 4k projector or display now?...or stay 1080p?

I'm saw some 4k and ultraHD displays at my local Best Buy/Magnolia the other day. I must say, the still photos and digital 4k images they're playin on a loop on these sets are indeed stunning! (ok, they weren't calibrated super accurately, er anything, but still tremendous rez!)
Still, for $6500+ for 55-65" flat panel displays, it begs the question, "if I bought something like this for my daily watcher, would I really get the benefit from it, particularly knowing that all the video I watch on it, is likely all upscaled lower rez Satalite, Netflix, and bluray quality source material? That, and I figure over the next 5 years, what kind of 4K true sources would even be available to take full advantage then, anyway?
Besides all of that, I can't imagine needing to sit so close as to take full advantage of any increase in potential picture quality/rez on one of these sets anyway. So is anyone else here thinkin' that they probably wouldn't need something like that, anytime soon? Cause I am.
And, as for projectors, seems to make zero senses to try and even concern about anything beyond used budget 1080p projectors, if I can't get source material anyway, nor for the foreseeable future either.
Any thoughts on this transition of new 4k equipment coming down the pike? I'm also looking to upgrade my current 1080p video projector for better quality and maybe brighter 3D output. But Lord knows I'm surely not even considering paying $25k for some native 1st generation 4k projector, that's not gunna likely be bright enough to fill a 150" diagonal projection screen on a standard gain screen, and with ZERO 4K video source material for me to use on it!
Money saved? I'm thinkin so.
I was at my local BB looking at the Samsung (64") and Panny (65") plasmas. Then I saw the Sony XBR 65" 4k tv. Dang! These things are sweet looking, but of course the content is specifically for them. Even my wife was amazed (and it takes a lot to amaze her).

Since my pre/pro (Marantz AV8801) does upscaling to 4k, I'd love to see how these 4k tv's work with an upscaled image.
yep yep..all that and I'd love to see a 4K+ image on a huge 135"+ projection screen, from a world class projector!! Im completely fine with my 55" 1080p image, and so is everyone else who sees it.
Higher Rez demands a larger surface to make sense for the money, IMO.
I prefer the 4k projector with brighter and higher contrast radio, and the Sony VPLVW285ES 4K Projector (2017 model) is what I am considering about.Getting a buying guide for the collection of 4k projector is what we need.
I watch my Epson 5040 with HDR / 4K content (Oppo source) and it’s phenomenal. The Epson uses pixel shifting to simulate 4K, but we’re at $2500 for the projector and at 5 feet from the (100 inch) screen you can’t see the pixels. You have to crank the light levels up to get a bright image (which shortens bulb life, and in really quiet parts you may hear the fan (just behind and overhead on my 9’ ceiling)) but you’ll have to go about $10K for noticeably better, and it’s my music space as well, so no big (hard) screen for me. Acoustically transparent screen drops in front of the mains during movie time. No regrets, and all anyone can say is "Holy Fu€[ Batman"! Upscaled 1080 is also really, really good, but most decent movies are now being released on 4K, it seems. Bladerunner 2049 was really well done.