Best movie to see what your HT AUDIO will do.

I recently watched U571 in blu ray and have to say, wow! I had't seen this movie since I made several substantial upgrades and it knocked me out. It struck me because I've been watching a lot of movies recently that are full of sci-fi type effects,The Avengers, Iron Man 1,2,3 Star Trek, etc. Hey, I like action movies. The new Superman audio was very good and the newest Die Hard audio was good as well. Maybe U571 struck me because it was more potentially real sounds versus a planet exploding, etc.

What movie do you put in, old or new that makes you still say WOW! about the audio portion of the movie?
My goto HT tests have always included Fantasia and 2001 a Space Odyssey. The "Night on Bald Mountain" in Fantasia will definitely let you know what your sound system can, or can't do. Ditto for Kubrick's film, which combines wide angle shots with a Strauss soundtrack.

I also like using The Battle of Britain. There's no CGI rubbish. The engine roars and machine gun fire are both very realistic at high volumes.
I second the motion for War of the Worlds(awesome bass, alien sirens) and Master and Commander(cannon shots).
I like the shoot out scene in Book of Eli when Denzel tries to walk away and the bullets go flying past his head. If your surrounds are set up correctly its pretty amazing bass with objects moving from the left to right. One of my personal favs.