subwoofer suggestions

Looking for sub with balance between tuneful bass for music and deep bass for movies to be 0.1 part of Monitor Audio Apex 5.1 speaker system. Front speakers go down into low 50Hz while rears go down to mid 60s. Room is 8' high x 18' wide x 12' deep, is reasonably well treated, but size will limit the longest waves. While there is no point in overloading room with a giant box and driver, pressure and speed with good tone are all desirable assets. Upper budget is about $1500, but I will consider more budget conscious options.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions,

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Agree with SVS, but especially since music is also important I'd go for dual subs (although should help with HT too). You can get a pair of SB12-NSDs for $1199 with free shipping. These are sealed, go down to 23Hz (-3db), and aren't too big. Given performance, quality, customer support, and value I think it's hard to beat and is the way I'm planning to go as well. The remaining issue is how you plan to integrate the sub(s) into your system, which is not an insignificant issue to say the least. Best of luck.
Wow, thanks for all the input. I currently have on hand an older Klipsch 8" that I was considering running along with whatever I buy to help even out sound in room, and maybe run with high level inputs for surround channels plus LFE, then running new sub high level with fronts plus LFE, REL style. How important is it for it subs to match beyond aesthetics?

REL, SVS, MA, and PSB are all on my short list. The MA in the same finish and driver material is the same cost as the REL R-328, but doesn't have high level in. Has anybody heard the MA silver series subs? Also, has anyone heard Dynaudio 200?

Thanks again,

Thanks for the tip willland, that looks like a great deal. Was looking for black or white sub, but will consider your suggestion based on value.