How Important is power conditioning if you have

Dedicated lines. I have tried P.S. audio and Audience. I could not tell any difference. I use upgraded power cords and I can detect a slight difference. I read so much about power conditioning making such a big difference but I'm not hearing it.
Also remember that most all signal processing circuits in gear do not see raw AC power as it would be measured at the outlet or end of the power cord. There are internal power transformers and other power source circuitry that may or may not in itself be designed well to optimize performance downstream even when source power has issues. Any "high end" gear worth its cost should do this to some degree by design IMHO. SO in that case, the value of power conditioning further upstream might be lessened accordingly.

all will depend upon the cleanilest of your power grid.
Consider your power very clean if your dedicated lines are performing at their best. IMO, based on your statements, you would not need any further power conditioning.

Happy Listening!
I went from an Audience aR6 conditioner to an aR6ts with amazing results. Just for giggles, I put a Shakti Stone on top of the aR6ts and just like that another veil was lifted. I now want to hear what an Audio Magic Disrupter would do... so if anyone has a large Audio Magic Disrupter they’d like to sell let me know.

You want to disrupt your audio magic? I don't know squat about that gadget but the name sure sounds scary! :-)
I guess my ignorance made for some good postings. I am sure that I am not the only one to not fully understand or have long forgotten electrical properties. Some one has to ask the dumb questions I hope others got something from the answers as well! So thanks for all your answers but sorry if I threadjacked Taters question.