Your choice for budget analog to digital converter

I am embarking on an effort to digitize my brother's vinyl collection for him. What do you recommend for a reasonably capable and priced (<$250) analog to digital converter? Would like at least 24/96 capability. I am doing it here and there so may eventually go through several generations of ADCs, but have start somewhere.

Rest of system: Thorens TD150 mkII, Grado platinum cartridge, Grado phono preamp, Dell Latitude laptop, Audacity software.

Any suggestions appreciated.

PS - in case you are wondering why he is going digital, he is a musician and wants to take his music collection on the road. I get to keep the vinyl, but the time is really a gift. Your time is too, thanks. kn
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I'm a fan of the Grant Fidelity DAC-09 for my digital to analog conversion duties. I believe they improved on it with the current DAC-11. Lots of flexibility and you could even use it as a tube buffer. I once had a very blah sounding phono preamp. I plugged it into one of the analog inputs of the DAC-09 and used the tube output into my preamp. It really improved the sound of the cruddy phono preamp I had at the time.
Thanks Jedinite24, but I'm going the opposite direction, analog to digital or "ADC".
The Wadia 150 ADC (discontinued) will fit the specifications and price. It sounds really good too. I just sold mine and, unfortunately, they don't come by often.