Building a new system / Advice on some products

Well a couple of years ago I had to get rid of my system. Needed some money. It's now time to rebuild a new one. To give an idea I would like to talk about what I used to have and tell what I am considering (don't have the funds to afford old System) to see if someone can recommend maybe another tweak here and there to get optimum performance.

Old System
Classe Processor SSP 800
Classe Ca 5300
Classe CA M600 X 2
B&W 803D X5
B&W 805D X2
Gotham Sub X2

New System
Argon 750 Receiver
B&W 804D X 5
Oppo DVD 105D
JL Audio Fathom Sub X 2

I have already bought the oppo player and am happy with it. All of the other I am going to buy this but thought I should get some input to some opinions..

Won't be my old system.. Not many systems are but it still should sound good I think. Problem is I can't hear it all together. Two different dealers for the Receiver, subs and B&W speakers..

Help on suggestions or input please?
As you probably know, B&W are power hungry. Make sure that receiver can put out enough.
I think B&W is way over priced for what they give you. I'm not trying to talk you out of them, but you did ask for opinions.

That said, they are pretty revealing speakers and I think they would expose every flaw in the receiver. I would go for the best processor you can afford and put the rest toward a good quality, but affordable amp.
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