Marantz SR5008 vs Cambridge Audio AZUR 650R

Hi...I just purchased a pair of Anthony Gallo reference 3.5's. I also purchased a Reference 3 SA amp to drive the 3.5's. In addition, I purchased the TR-1 sub and strada 2 centers and rear speakers. I am in a fix between the Marantz SR5008 (more bells and whistles, more modern) versus the older Cambridge Audio AZUR 650R. Any thoughts about what I ought to go in for would be much appreciated.
I hope you don't mean you're using the Gallo SA amp as the main amplifier. It's a subwoofer amp, intended to drive only the second pair of inputs (which affect only the second voice coil of the 3.5 speakers' woofers). Ifs you don't have the operating manuals for the Gallo components, you need to find them. Good luck.
Thanks, so much Dopogue!

I'm using the Gallo SA amp just to drive the Reference 3.5's. I'm just confused as far as the choice between the Marantz SR5008 and Cambridge Audio AZUR 650R (Model launched 4 years ago???) are concerned. Would it be better to go for something more modern with better bells/whistles, considering the setup I'll have or go for something not as well connected, but a solid performer all the same?
To repeat, the Gallo SA is just a SUBWOOFER amp (that's what the SA stands for) and is not designed to drive the Reference 3.5s full-range. The woofers in the 3.5s have two voice coils. The primary voice coil is driven along with the mid-range and tweeter by an appropriate amp or receiver. The second voice coil is the only thing intended to be driven by the SA amplifier. Clear?

I can't help you as to the Marantz and Cambridge Audio units. Don't even know what they are. But I did have the earlier version of your main speakers and an SA amp and currently have Stradas and TR3 subs.