Player With A Killer Blu Ray Picture

Do you have to spend more than $500 for a killer Blu Ray picture? Most blu ray players are of the universal player type. All I want is a blu ray player that has a stunning onscreen image.

I have no interest in all the other stuff the player has to offer, the image is the thing for me. I'm not interested in a do-it-all player, I already have a pre-pro, and I don't want or need cd or sacd. I'd like to have your recommendations for a player with a killer 1080p image priced up to $2,000. If I can have that killer image for $500 bucks, that cool too.
The Denon Ultra Reference DVD-A1UDCI may be the best Blu Ray player ever made (if you can believe the reviews). I have one matched up with the other two Denon Ultra Reference componets and it is without question an epic piece of equipment.
And when you get it, spend $10 more and get the Monoprice Slim HDMI cables with RedMere technology. That's right, I said Ten Dollars!
ARCAM BDP's .... BDP100 up to and including or current model BDP300

I had the CAMBRIDGE AZUR which is still very fine kit by any standards. The CAMBRIDGE is a "pick 'em" against the OPPO because both the CAMBRIDGE and OPPO share the same boards from the same manufacturer.

I moved up to the ARCAM BDP which bested the CAMBRIDGE on all counts. I use it strictly for HT for which it was designed for. The video image (as well as audio)is top shelf.

ARCAM also has a 5 year warranty compared to one to two year for the rest .