Player With A Killer Blu Ray Picture

Do you have to spend more than $500 for a killer Blu Ray picture? Most blu ray players are of the universal player type. All I want is a blu ray player that has a stunning onscreen image.

I have no interest in all the other stuff the player has to offer, the image is the thing for me. I'm not interested in a do-it-all player, I already have a pre-pro, and I don't want or need cd or sacd. I'd like to have your recommendations for a player with a killer 1080p image priced up to $2,000. If I can have that killer image for $500 bucks, that cool too.
On most of the review sites that I've checked out, it seems that at the $350-$500 point, you are pretty much going to get the best blu ray image available without finding any other machine that is head and shoulders above the others when it comes to image quality. Beyond $300, all the talk is about extra features like streaming ability, 2-channel prowess, SACD and the ability to act as a stand-alone dac. It seems that an excellent picture is a standard feature nowadays.
I used the Plasmatron from VH Audio with a DVD player and the visual improvement is significant. The bigger the screen, the bigger the improvement. Better color saturation, deeper blacks and better red saturation, and more of a 3 sense of space. Add to that the audio is superb, a great, if expensive addition. But why do I have sticker shock, people pay this much for a power cord, and no AC cord looks this cool....and yes, I bought one.
Sony S790 now out of production has picture quality equal to the current Oppo models so said Sound and Vision magazine. You should be able to find one. Also does sacd. List price $250. I have one and think it's swell.
I like the cheapest Sony Blu-ray ($120) and see no difference with more expensive ones.