I've been keeping my eye on Denon, they seem to be at the forefront of the industry these days. I'm somewhat puzzled by the unhelpful posters above, strnggreen, the suggestions to try google are of course not helpful. When someone starts a thread asking a question, it's because they are looking for information from the brain trust here at audiogon. Hopefully you were able to get some information elsewhere.
At any rate, it looks like since the Denon in question is so new, no few owners exist, at least around here. I'm not surprised though, home theater is a smaller segment of this particular forum, most are into old school 2 channel stereo.
At any rate, it looks like since the Denon in question is so new, no few owners exist, at least around here. I'm not surprised though, home theater is a smaller segment of this particular forum, most are into old school 2 channel stereo.