Efficient Floorstander


I'm looking for an efficient floorstanding speaker. I currently have JM Reynaud Twin monitors. My present room is 13x24 with a cathedral ceiling. One side is open to another room. The concern I have, is that I may have to move to a smaller place in the future. So I'm looking for a speaker that can be used in a smaller room if that happens. I listen to Jazz, blues, rock. My amp is an Audiomat Arpege, 30 watts a channel. I'm pretty much homebound, so I really can't get out to listen.(elder care) Any suggestions, would really help to pointing me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
I second Duke's comments as a happy owner of a pair of Audiokinesis Prismas. My room is 15'w 12'd with 8' ceiling. I sit 8' from the front plane of the speakers. The toe-in built into the cabinets gives a wide sweet spot and minimizes side wall reflections. I have a bass hump due to increased loading on the left side of the room. The dual rear porting allowed me to smooth room bass response. The speakers are supplied with different length port tubes. My JAS array tube amp drives them with lots of relaxed power.
Duke's speakers would work nicely in your room, I would recommend you consider the Rhythm Prisms as they are the smallest floor stander he offers. I have been using his Jazz Modules for several years now in a variety of rooms, one of which was much smaller than yours. Their flexibility with placement is a bonus. Duke himself was pretty surprised at how I had mine set up in a very small room and how good they sounded.

That being said I do not know what your budget is, but Duke has a introduced newer version of the Jazz Modules. They are larger and About twice the price of the Rhythm Prisms but IMO these speakers have proven to me to be far and away better than anything else I have heard in my system, including the Audio Note ANe's which are substantially more in cost.
Thanks again for your responses. I checked out the Audiokinesis website, and the speakers looked very interesting. The room I have now is decent size, but in the future I don't know where I may be living. The room size may be large or small. I like the flexibility of Duke's line of speakers, and it looks like they would be easily driven by my amp. The Jazz Modules would be at the top of my budget which is 5k, so they're doable. Are there any user reviews of his speakers?
Hi Jwlaff,

Some owner and listener comments on my speakers here:

Another owner here:

An interesting comment from a dealer and self-described horn hater:
http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=78557.msg784475#msg784475 (edit: That link didn't quite work right; see the second post from the top on page 3 by OzarkTom.)

Thanks for the link. I had a nice talk with Duke this morning about various options for now, and in the future. I'm pretty much set on the Jazz 2.0 model. I can get the Jazz now, and depending on happens later, can add the "Effects speaker" if space permits. If I move to a smaller space later, I can tune the speaker to fit the room. I really like the idea of a speaker that can adapt to my room. Thanks Everybody for all your input.