Need help on choosing a sub-woofer?

Hi Everyone,

I need help on choosing a sub-woofer. I just started to get into home theater and would really need some good advice. My room size is 2,500 cubic ft. Here are items I currently have:

Pass Labs XA-160.5
Emotiva XPR-5
Emotiva XSP-1
Emotiva XDA-1
B&W 802D
B&W 805D
Oppo 95
Samsung UN55C9000 55" LED TV

Here are my options:

Option 1: One B&W DB1 sub-woofer for $3,000 (Demo Unit)

Option 2: Two SVS SB-13 Ultra for $2,995

Option 3: One JL Fathom F112 for $3,200

Thanks in advance!

Go with option 2. SVS is a great company ,they have free shipping and a 45 day return policy.
Two SVS13 Ultras all the way. The build quality and performance are way above their price point. The customer service is up there with the best.

Personally, I'd go for a pair of subs - but a pair of 13 Ultras might be overkill for your room. I'd discuss it with SVS - and I wouldn't be surprised if they suggested that you step down to a pair of 12+. Either way, that's a pair of high performance subs that you're looking at.

I personally use a pair of 12" Rythmik subs in a similarly sized room (95+% music) and they do a tremendous job. On the rare occasions that video is employed and the lowest frequencies are present (effects) their performance has been beyond reproach.

I suspect that you'd be very happy with either of the SVS choices, the Rythmiks, a pair of 12" JLs, or a pair of the higher end 12" Hsu subs. All have credentials - be it a personal audition or a recommendation from trusted friends/contacts in addition to excellent test bench performance.

Good luck on the hunt - but I think you'll have a hard time going too far wrong.
