Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
Thankyou TBG, The vocals are suppose to be where you said, however, I like my music layered, not all of it hitting me at one time, most of the music should be behind the vocals, and then, depending how the micing of the recording is, every part of the sound should have it's own place within the soundstage, Have you had any exsperience with a product of any kind presenting a forward sound stage?, if so, you know exactly what I am talking about, It does not sound natural, I looked on the star sound Apprentice web site, do you have a 103?, Is the price given for two or each, this product actually appears to be price real world instead of the fanatical pricing of most of what's in our hobby!, I have interest of the apprentice because of pricing and all that all of you said here, charles1dad said he would put the star sound product up there with his best equipment, that was impressive for him to say that,I also wanted to know if the star sound gives a slightly musical warm sound or a cold dry sound?, cheers.
Thankyou TBG, The vocals are suppose to be where you said, however, I like my music layered, not all of it hitting me at one time, most of the music should be behind the vocals, and then, depending how the micing of the recording is, every part of the sound should have it's own place within the soundstage, Have you had any exsperience with a product of any kind presenting a forward sound stage?, if so, you know exactly what I am talking about, It does not sound natural, I looked on the star sound Apprentice web site, do you have a 103?, Is the price given for two or each, this product actually appears to be price real world instead of the fanatical pricing of most of what's in our hobby!, I have interest of the apprentice because of pricing and all that all of you said here, charles1dad said he would put the star sound product up there with his best equipment, that was impressive for him to say that,I also wanted to know if the star sound gives a slightly musical warm sound or a cold dry sound?, cheers.
The Apprentice will not change the inherent character of your system generally speaking(Shindo and Krell won't suddenly be indistinguishable). Due to its effectiveness managing vibration and resonance you'll hear more of what you have. As I mentioned earlier, the resolving power is improved (but in a natural sense not hifi, at least in my system). The sense of a live presence is increased, subtitles and nuances are uncovered, so realism is better. The fullness of tone, body and overtones actually improved (and these were already a system strength prior to the Apprentice). If your system has good depth and layering it will only improve. Basically all the benefits of increased low level information will be apparent.
Audiolabyrinth, verbal descriptions are useless. Get a listen to the HFCs.
Thankyou charles1dad, your response was really good about the star sound apprentice, what model do you have?, what model is your recommendation?