Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
Ok here are my initial impressions of the Stillpoints Ultra SS footers vs. the Star Sound Apprentice stand with 4 sets of 1.5 inch Audio Points. My new speaker is the Lahave Khara. These speakers came with Stillpoints as Stillpoints uses Lahave as their reference speaker.

First and most obvious thing I noticed took me completely by surprise. The volume increased without me touching the volume knob setting. What? I said out loud. How can this be? No doubt about it however. The music has more energy, improved dynamic contrasts, and sharper leading edges.

The Stillpoints have a softer, rounder sound. I don't want to say more just yet, as I sear the sound is settling in as the Apprentice spends more time under the speaker. Things were a little too high energy at first, but after just two hours the sound is relaxing if you will.

I will add more comments tomorrow night.
Bill, the SS stands take a couple of days to relax. They always sound a little edgy and forward at first blush....
agear, can you explain why?, reffering to you post about the ss taking a few days to sound better?, I do not understand that, they are made of material, not electrical componets like caps and tubes.