Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?

Here is what I have encountered.

Cables take time to break in and so do mechanical grounding devices such as those we design. Energy is always in search of ground and when that point of contact is broken or moved it takes time to re establish that reference point. All materials reach a state of relaxation or a reduction of stress, that is what takes place and can be heard when you move a cable from one location to another.

Our designs carry over to real acoustic instruments and you can easily see and hear the ground point establish itself. During a cello performance when the instrument suddenly blooms acoustically on stage you know the reference has been established. Upon return from intermission the instrument takes a couple of minutes to find this reference point once again, you can hear this happen as well.

Speakers and electronics depending on their material and mass will take varying amounts of time to settle in and establish a a relaxed ground state. With an audio component on board we recommend 72 hours as a guide line for our products to establish their reference point. Tom. Star Sound Technologies.

Tom please explain why the volume is actually up with your stand under my speaker. No doubt about it! Very interesting.
I had a similar experience with the SP 101 platforms underneath my speakers. Robert had warned me in advance though. I experienced a loss of bass and bass voulume. I agree that it does indeed take a few days for the connection to settle in and start doing their magic. Well worth the wait.
There is a gain in apparent dynamics with just the Audio Point alone. The shelf between the two points increases the collection area of the tip. When all is mechanically grounded to a much higher mass such as a floor then energy migrates in that direction. The apparent increase in level and resolution comes from the enhanced direction provided by the reactive materials and shapes. What you are hearing is a signal more time coherent, one less corrupt from material storage influences and modulation. Tom. Star Sound Technologies.
Thankyou TBG and Tom of star sound technologies,I understand and Believe what is said here now on the settle in period.