Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
Hi charles1dad, Thanks, I have taken notice of the point you have made about the still points versus star sound products, clearing away the inadequete senceless post reminds me of putting Bo on the star sound apprentice and reinstateing the thread back to normal informative post.
Change the color change the sound. Change the material and change the impedance. Change the color and change the propagation of sound thru the material. Change the color no.
Tom. Star Sound Technologies.
Looks like I'm the next in line to try out Star Sound products under my speakers. Had a nice followup conversation with Robert this week, after I emailed an inquiry about Sistrum Apprentice stands to use under my Revel Salon 2s.

I did state some stability concerns (the Salon 2s are heavy, about 180 lbs. apiece, but also have a tall, narrow profile - I don't think the grandchildren could take them out, but I wasn't so sure about my German Shepherds...). In response, Robert suggested I wait a couple months for the stands until their new Apprentice XL is available. This new larger version will have some clamping capability in addition to a larger, more stable footprint.

In the meantime, he is providing some threaded 2.0AP-1 Audio Points for me to use, and will apply 100% of their cost to the new Apprentice XL stands when they become available.

Thanks are due Charles1dad, Grannyring, Agear, Tbg, Glory and everyone else who has weighed in on this technology with their personal experience. Your findings have given me confidence that it does something quite noticeable and beneficial. My system does not lack dynamics or speed, but I am curious to hear what these products add to these qualities.

Oh, and I am hopeful that the irrelevant BS has fully swirled down the drain and stays there!