Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
TBG, I forgot to mention that the Stillpoints can work for you if you have the threaded inserts shortened so that the body of the footer is flush with the base of the speaker. I had this done by the seller, in this case The Cable Company. I'm told it wasn't easy, as they are aircraft-grade stainless steel.
Psag, I've had a problem with the concept of "musicality." My interest is in accurately reproducing music not musicality. I know there are many who say that we will never be able to get close to realism. The StillPoints, Star Sound Apprentices, High Fidelity Cables and power cords have these thoughts are wrong. We are getting much closer to realism than I have ever thought possible, but ones electronics has to be up to snuff. As friend of mine with the same opinions, calls this luster.

One thing that I've concluded is that even the best tubes smear the sound and lack the detail in recordings. This is after many years of mainly tube electronics.

With regards to thick carpeting, I would suspect that the Star Sound Apprentices would be your salvation. A thick piece of granite on the carpet and then the Ultras might help also.

StillPoints strongly discourages having the Ultras tightly screwed against the speakers. With my BMC Arcadias, I tried to thread the screws in just enough to have an 1/8 inch separation, but when we raised the speakers into position, there was no separation. Later I found that the thread inserts in the speakers could be forced deeper into the speakers when the weight of the speakers was applied. This is probably why I found the Star Sound Apprentices better.
07-20-14: Psag
In other words, there was an apparent increase in clarity, at the expense of warmth and fullness. More analytical, less musical. This could be an advantage for some speakers, but not for the TADs in my system.

ditto. One sonic element or offshoot of this is a cohesive fluidity.
Once again it just goes to show that all these audio choices we make are purely personal. My experience is the polar direction of yours(it doesn't make me right, just different). SS hasn't come close to what good SET amplifiers have revealed to my ears(your experience is different, I understand). Audio and listening to music has always been much fun for me, now it's better than ever and I appreciate that. I buy and keep what sounds right to me and that's all that matters.You pursue what you call accuracy and my goal and pursuit is what I call natural. Whatever works for each of us.
Charles1dad, I would never disagree with what you say here. I should note that I had SETs using 45s, single plate 6A3s, 300Bs, and 845s. I even had Western 91Bs using we300bs from the 1950s. I still remember always fighting for more wattage and the search for good efficient speakers.