Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
Once again it just goes to show that all these audio choices we make are purely personal. My experience is the polar direction of yours(it doesn't make me right, just different). SS hasn't come close to what good SET amplifiers have revealed to my ears(your experience is different, I understand). Audio and listening to music has always been much fun for me, now it's better than ever and I appreciate that. I buy and keep what sounds right to me and that's all that matters.You pursue what you call accuracy and my goal and pursuit is what I call natural. Whatever works for each of us.
Charles1dad, I would never disagree with what you say here. I should note that I had SETs using 45s, single plate 6A3s, 300Bs, and 845s. I even had Western 91Bs using we300bs from the 1950s. I still remember always fighting for more wattage and the search for good efficient speakers.
Well stated. I am as guilty as anyone else at times of agonizing about the validity of differences I perceive when I make a change in the system, but I have felt that way less and less in the last couple of years. I usually trust my own ears and don't worry about what other listeners or measurements say. JohnK was speaking of this today in another thread, and he was concerned about the phenomenon of falsely perceived poitive differences after system changes are made, but I don't think there is a need to be too worried about it. I think if everyone just hears what sounds good to them, that is all that matters.
Your last sentence sums up what time and experience have done to form my position. Enjoying music is a very necessary aspect of my life, both live and also reproduced in my home. If you have a audio system that allows involvement and emotional connection you have contentment and happiness. Under these circumstances there is no angst or neurosis. These are nonexistent when you can honestly say you're engaged and connected to the music/musicians you choose to listen to. To be blunt, just own what sounds best to you and promotes long listening sessions. What others think of your choices is completely irrelevant. Affirmation is unnecessary.
I think it is one of the positive aspects of growing older and maturing. You come to know what you need and love from inside, and you stop seeking the affirmation as you said, from others. I still have desires for further refinements to my system, but again, they are based on my own positive experiences, not outside pressure (more apprentice platforms for example).
I would also like to take this opportunity to mention that I am finally changing out my beloved and somewhat modified McIntosh 2105 (still keeping it though!) for an 8 watt Audio Note Kits Kit 1 Tenth Anniversary. My speakers are 102db efficiency, and I have been considering this move for a long time. It was certainly influenced by you though, since I know and love your speakers, and over many threads I have seen that we share similar preferences. It is being professionally built by Audio Note Kits sanctioned builder, Pete Fulton, and yes, I did order a matched quad of Jupiter copper foil caps to replace the stock Mundorfs.
It will probably be another 3 weeks until I have it, but I have already waited for 8 weeks, so it's no big thing.
Thanks for generously sharing your experiences.