Audiolabyrinth, I agree with Charles1dad, the SPs focus is on stopping vertical vibration either from below or above their technology while SS focus on getting the vibrations to the Earth and out of components. The materials in the SPs are ceramic balls, which might well be slow. I really did not know what to expect but I was not surprised.
What did surprise me, however, is that the perspective that one has of the recording is quite different. SPs give you a sense of the recording venue with depth and precise location. SSs give you instant sense of the leading edge and the decay of notes. Instruments sound quite real and quick. Which would we hear had we been there is the question or would we hear both? I have been at jazz band performances and can say the SSs are what I heard when I was at the location of the microphones, and SPs are what I heard when I was in the audience. I guess that I want both or would want one focus sometimes and the other at other times. I naively thought that perhaps combining both would give me both; not so.
What did surprise me, however, is that the perspective that one has of the recording is quite different. SPs give you a sense of the recording venue with depth and precise location. SSs give you instant sense of the leading edge and the decay of notes. Instruments sound quite real and quick. Which would we hear had we been there is the question or would we hear both? I have been at jazz band performances and can say the SSs are what I heard when I was at the location of the microphones, and SPs are what I heard when I was in the audience. I guess that I want both or would want one focus sometimes and the other at other times. I naively thought that perhaps combining both would give me both; not so.