Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
Nvp, you are wrong that Stillpoints and Star Sound Tech. use the same technology. The Star Sound Apprentices seek to get vibration within the components to ground quickly. They don't favor the "absorption" which is what Stillpoints employs. With Stillpoints all vertical movement in the devices is converted into horizontal movement and converted into heat. Not surprisingly they sound quite different.

If the Stillpoints are 100% effective, they alone provide isolation. Everything else absorbs somewhat down to its resonant frequency.
Nvp, you are wrong that Stillpoints and Star Sound Tech. use the same technology.

Tbg, please take the time to read and think at what I have written. Philosophy and technology are two very different things. Both products aim at draining out unwanted vibrations from the audio components - that is the common philosophy. The fact that ceramic balls and spikes represent different "technologies" is common sense. Nobody has claimed otherwise. In fact, I have made it very clear in the 2nd paragraph of my previous post that the approach used by the two companies is very different.
Nvp, i'm not familiar with the other product mentioned, but my understanding of your explanation of Stillpoints technology is correct. Wonderful products...I should know, I have 18 so far (incuding 14 Ultra 5's) and growing!
Melbguy1, The component when using the Stillpoints sits on ceramic balls. Each of these balls sits on other balls that almost allow the top one to fall through. It tries to force the balls below outward, but they cannot move. That outward pressure is only horizontal. This is how vibrations are converted largely into horizontal vibrations and ultimately converted into heat in the Stillpoints.

Thus the Stillpoints absorb the vibrations and convert them into heat. This is quite at odds with the Star Sounds Technology Apprentices which seek to get the vibration to earth with speed and not absorption until it is in the earth, which tends to unperturbed by this tiny force.
Why are they using th gold colour? Personally I think it looks ugly. They should have made them just in silver!