Quandry: Used Magico V2 vs. new S1

It is time to update my speakers. I have a lead on a nice used pair of V2's which probably can be gotten for $9 -$9.5K, vs a new pair of S1's that list for $12.6K. I like the Magico sound, have heard the V2 but not the S1, although I will try before making a decision. There will be no opportunity to hear them side by side so separate auditions may not be meaningful unless the S1's greatly disappoint.

Any thoughts, Comrades? You know how traumatic it is to change speakers.


Bol, I respect your view of cables as we all have a subjective view of what sounds good or not. I personally find the top Audioquest cables such as Wel bright and lacking musicality. In comparison, I find Siltech's Royal Signature series has much better presentation of tone and timbre, better bass and are the quietest cables i've ever heard. Also, Siltech's metalurgy is the best there is. That is why their cables actually improve, not degrade in sound over time. That is also one of the reasons their cables hold their value so well over time. The other is their awesome design/build quality. Siltech use the same computer program that Porsche use to design their cars and have sota build quality. In regard to Nordost, I have a buddy who has a good ear. He compared Odin to Jorma Prime and preferred Prime in every application except between his turntable and preamp. In that application, he preferred the silver cable for synergy, but he preferred Prime everywhere else. Jorma Prime to my ears are the most natural sounding and musical cables i've heard & is half the price of Odin!
I only like there digital cables. In the past I compared Valhalla with the best Siltech. There were a lot details missing with the Siltech cables. I sold Nordost over 9 years of time. Nordost is not easy to use because you need to use it very precise. Nordost misses a sharp and small individual focus of instruments and voices.You only can use Nordost for a part in an audio system. The difference between the best Siltech and Audioquest is blacks and timing. With Audioquest I can create the focus and touchable image I experienced at classical live music. In the past the demo's of Siltech were worse because the high freq. were soo bright. The difference between the Valhalla Powercable and Emperor was very big. The Valhalla was beter in speed and timing. Focus of every singel part of the recording was a lot better. A few times the client had Emperor cables as well. I Always won and got the deal. The mid freq of Audioquest is more open compared to Siltech. This is why you get a sharper individual focus of instruments and voices compared to Siltech.
Bol, your views regarding Siltech vs Nordost are quite unique. By that I mean I haven't run into any such similar comments before.
Hi. I have the very same question above (used V2 vs new S1). Since it's been a year since the original thread got started, I would be interested in updates. Now, V2 or Mini at used prices are cheaper than S1.
I chose a Mini II over the V2 and did not really like the S1 when I heard it. The S1 is the entry level speaker, has lower quality parts and sounds fairly thin to me. The Mini II was an all out effort for state of the art in small speaker designs. It is a much more refined and capable speaker than the S1, IMO.