Possible Desktop Speakers?

I have been looking around a lot after my mini maggies thread to see if any speakers would be a better choice. Honestly, though I have no clue what to really look for in a speaker. So here I am hoping to get some ideas from the forum members. The room is mid/large (17 feet by 24 feet and its a rectangle with one corner chopped off). I have seen KEF LS50's, Peachtree D5, and Focal electra 1008 BE on the internet. Are any of these better then the mini maggies in a decently large room?
It seems to me that an integrated amp with high power/current would serve your purpose. ARC separates are overkill for a small desktop listening area. Unless you're planning for the future and expanding your listening area.
So many good integrateds out there.
Based upon the limited info you're providing your system doesn't make much sense. Matching the ARC preamp/amp with desktop speakers positioned as you indicated is something of a waste of performance. I don't understand how if space for floorstanding speakers is a problem how you could then justify the large area consumed by the ARC components? (In another thread didn't you have Brystons?)

If I were looking for a very high quality desk oriented system I would consider products from Magnepan, Gradient and Lipinski. I hesitate to recommend anything to you because I don't think you have a well developed sense of what you're doing.

BTW, what's you source component(s)?
Doggiehowser - yeah thinking mapleshade stands and I may do 1 woofer.

al- yeah I'm a goober and just thought separate amp and pre would be better performance wise. I also thought the arc 150 was the max wattage which I believe was the max on the speakers. I guess you don't match speakers and amps that way.

onhwy61 - yeah I'm kind of shooting in the dark even after lots of reading. I have space under my desk to sit the amps and 1 sub. Floor standing would sit in front of my desk and would annoy my wife that's why I really am avoiding them.