Affordable Newer Speakers

I currently own a pair of PSB Stratus Mini speakers. While they are fine sounding, I'm thinking about buying newer speakers. They will be monitors as I have a subwoofer. My musical taste ranges from "medium rock" (Gin Blossoms, Counting Crows, etc.) to female vocals (Corrs, Cranberries, etc.) to classic rock (Boston, Aerosmith, BTO, etc.). I'd like them to be used and manufactured in the past 5 years or so. The amp will be a Hafler 9300, which I also am thinking about replacing. The suggestions please...
What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you? Dynamics, imaging/sound staging, bass, etc.? What is your price range and other associated equipment? Definitely decide on your speakers first and then find an amp that will get the most out of them.
I agree. Speakers are a very personal choice. Just getting recommendations from people probably won't be good enough. You need to have much more focus on what type of sound you are looking for, a price range and what type of gear you will be hooking them up to.
I bought the Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 monitors from music direct for a small system. I planned on pairing them with a subwoofer but now don't feel the need. If you don't like them you can send them back. I love mine and am keeping them!