Why is Dynaudio so much cheaper in Europe?

I've been looking at some store sites for European Hi-Fi stores, and I'm finding that even after shipping, and duties, I would be saving a few thousand dollars on anything in the Dynaudio line. In fact, with the Dynaudio 380's I'm interested it, I would be saving about $3,000, which is huge. My question is two-fold: 1. Why are they so much cheaper in Europe? 2. Is there anything to beware of when purchasing speakers from the EU and having them shipped to the US?
Hi Phantom 46

The markups are not obscene - its just what you need to do with the usual model for selling a specialty product. If you do what Magico does marketing wise and selling via retailers its perfectly normal and no one is ripping anyone off or anything like that. Buying a product sold direct is much cheaper, but you wont find them in magazines like Sterophile or at your local Hi Fi store. That's what you are paying for. That's what makes me barf - the massive overhead you pay for the usual way of doing business and why I steer way clear of products like that. I think most people, if they understood the truth would as well - but most people don't.

And its very interesting to see peoples reaction when its pointed out. One guy on the forum I frequent in Australia always goes off the deep end whenever I mention it - you are ignoring being able to buy in bulk bla bla. The fact of the matter is speakers like the Magico and other really high end products are made in such minuscule quantities all these things you would think a big maker could save money on and pass on are non existent. Their major cost is marketing and retailer overheads.

Hi Bill,

No problem. Well, since you put it that way, I would agree. Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic here. The gloom and doom man, haha. I know very well, that this is a business, and making money is part and parcel of the whole thing. That is true (low volume) especially for the top of the line and near the top units. Thanks for your post, it allowed me to see things in a different light.
Dynaudio stopped caring about the customer when they became a large corporate company. Having used there roar drivers since their beginning I recommended them to many people over the years. Then one day when my home made sub-woofers surround started to rot I called them up to find out how to get it re coned. They told me that because it was not from a speaker system they made but was sold as a roar driver they will not repair it!. As for charging more for the same in the USA it's simply because they can.
Coloneltushfinger...why is mark levinson so much expensive in europe? I have same speaker that you want...its distributor retail is about 6600eu...with cash they give me discount to 5500eu...luckily i found honest dealer who got me a brand new pair for 4800eu...if anything happens i just contact distributor and they take care of it...i think its a fair price...but thats not it...same dealer is friend with franc kuzma who makes awesome turntables and becuz i bought my all system from that dealer he discounted me new kuzma reference mk2 tt with retail about 8500eu and 4point arm with retail 5200eu to a half price(thats what i call money performance ratio)...offer i couldnt refuse...i dont want to think what is retail for kuzma in USA...so i recommend you to find yourself a good dealer that will find you american equipment(or most of) that is good worth for money...cuz when i see lets say burmester gear prices in europe...and in america...you dont have to be smart to conclude they are ripping you off big time...
Well by far most audio gear is far cheaper in the US compared to Europe. Party due to the higher VAT. The VAT is 20% where I live.