Room size & choosing speakers

I am new to all of this and trying to find best size speakers for a small room. I recently listened to B & W 802D's (with a McIntosh MC452 & C-50) at a local audio store & loved the sound. It is a great deal of money for me, but worth it if I can create that magic at home.

My fear is that I will be listening in a 10' x 12' room and that the speakers will overwhelm the room. I also think of the B & W 803D's (smaller, less money, not quite as full sounding), and still have the same fear.

Right now I am trying to decide between the 803D's & the 805D's with a good subwoofer (possibly Rel 328 or JL audio F112). Any thoughts or help greatly appreciated.
I agree with Tboooe, i'd go for the 805D's and add a subwoofer. The sub will give you adjustments to tune the response to your room which is a key advantage, however I would recommend staying with B&W. Have you had a look at the B&W DB1? It is part of the 800 series and should integrate better than a Rel or similar sub.
The problem of the DB1 is that is has 2 bass units. This means it Always influence your room more. Go for a sealed subwoofer with the bass unit in front. These days I use these days in a a-b demo with sub's with 2 bass units to show my clients why the first one integrates better. Always use a-b tests.
Appropriate room tuning will allow you to use the premium larger speakers and have the greatest sound available.
The bigger more expensive speakers offer the best sound quality. It ca be surprisingly easy to tailor your room.
Price does not say anything. There are a lot more expensive speakers which are average or even poor than exeptional good. Quality of the cabinets, speaker units response and material use and the quality of filters and crossovers. There are enough speakers from 20.000 dollar and above which are not that good. At shows these people get very hard questions Always. I hate all the average and poor audio products.