Aerial 7T/6 vs Vandersteen Quatro/Treo/2Ce Sig II

I am still trying to make up my mind on which Vandersteen speaker to get. Leaning towards 2Ce Sig II.

I came across Aerial Acoustics speakers and read the reviews of 7T and 6 which caught my interest. I do not think I can audition them where I live so I have no way to compare them to Vandersteen.

I was caught by the reviews mentioning how Aerial Acoustics speakers throw a large soundstage and very good with instrument placing/imaging.

I want to hear from people who have spend good time with both Vandersteen and Aerial speakers on how they compare.

Any insight is helpful
My first recommendation would be to not buy speakers going just by reviews. If you end up with something you like it will be more of an accident than anything else.
I agree! Go listen and decide for yourself.

I have 2 friends using Vandersteen 2's and every time I listen to them, I want to rip the sock out of the drivers. It's muffled, peaky ... can't stand them.

Not familiar with the Aerial 7T but did demo the 7B when I was shopping speakers for my sister. The 7B's were muffled compare to the B&W which was too bright and hard. The salesman heard the same and suggests driving them with brighter components. The 7B is NOT 7T so go listen for yourself.
I love , my vandersteen treo . I had bought , John , thank you for , selling me them !! Very good!!!!! Buy !!! .
During my audition of the Aerial, I was disappointed.
OTOH, I would like to hear from those who have compared the Vandy TREO and QUATTRO...
I've heard the old Aerial 7's twice in the same room with different electronics. Once with lower powered tubes (boring)and then again with high current solid state (wow). So, be careful when you audition--their sound can vary considerably. On the Vandy's, John will kill me but I'm no fan of the 2's. The Quatro's however are very nice indeed and the 5's are one of my all time fav's--wish I could afford them and they were prettier to look at.....
Hi Dodgealum,

How different is the sound from Aerial compared to Vandersteen in your opinion?.
