Behold Gentle G192 Media Player

Hello again!

We at TARA Labs have been having a lot of fun auditioning new components for our listening room. One recent subject is our Behold Gentle G192 Media Player. It functions as a music server, amplifier and preamplifier, DAC, and DSP corrector. Musically the sounds are very detailed and well-defined, but without the analytical nuance quality that some digital components produce. Rather the sound seems well extended, airy and open overall. Has anyone else tried this media player? Are there any similar products that you have had good experiences with?
Does TARA have anything to do with the company? The only reason I ask is that you will probably be eliminating the need for quite a few pairs of cables using a device like this.
Yes, it is TARA Labs auditioning the component, though we are likely not going to keep it. I was just curious if anyone else had tried it.
If you guys like it so much why get rid of it? Also, what's the point of starting a thread about it.