Has anyone heard the Legacy Aeris?

I was curious if anyone has heard the new Legacy Aeris in a controlled space (showroom or home). I have played around with room correction and have always been pleasantly surprised as to the improvements it makes, even in a treated room, even with high-end speakers. TAS article last month was more a discussion of the technology rather than a review of their sound and performance. I am curious as to how they may stand up to the better $30k and below speakers.
There is another thread on this topic that you can find by searching for the words Legacy or AERIS. I've heard them multiple times and am extremely impressed by what they bring to the table. Check out that thread and let me know if you have any other questions; you can shoot me an email through Audiogon and I'll be happy to give more detail on what I heard first hand on several different trips to Legacy.
Great speakers, value priced. Steromojo just did a nice review of them. I liked them more than Wilson at a recent show.

My current favorites are the Sony SS speakers. They are 10k versus $30k for the Legacies. Both have perfect tonal range across the spectrum. You can buy a lot of records or CDs with the 20k you will pocket.
"My current favorites are the Sony SS speakers. They are 10k versus $30k for the Legacies. Both have perfect tonal range across the spectrum. You can buy a lot of records or CDs with the 20k you will pocket."

I think you need to check your math. The Legacy Aeris is under 18K.
